Hi all,
I am currently working on a pyrene derivatization reaction. The desired reaction is as follow:
The problem is, I did not get any products. Instead I obtain only the starting material pyrene, which is quite pure too.
This is what I did and some observations:
I first dissolved pyrene in anhydrous THF, and then did the lithiation with n-BuLi at low temperature. The solution quickly turned into a deep red solution. After a while, I added the benzyl chloride. The solution quickly turned into yellow and the deep red color disappeared in several seconds. I first expected that it was a sign of succeed... I then waited for about 30 minutes. and then I added water to quench the reaction (When I add water, there were no bubbles or heat evolved; and I assume there were no more carbanions within the mixture). But then when I work up my reaction mixture, did the separation with hexane and washed with water. I obtained a yellow powder and the HNMR analysis told me that I obtained my starting material pyrene !!! There were no other dirty side product peaks in the NMR spectra! ONLY pyrene!! What really happened really confuses me.
Any advice or suggestion would be greatly appreciated ! Thank you!