Cyclopropene is a great example of where the hybridiaiton rules change. Cyclopropane is ~sp
2.5. The orbitals are forces into conforming to different shapes because it lowers the enregy due to how much strain there actually is in the 3 membered ring. Even more when there is an alkene. An example is pi orbitals of fluorine is almost completely p in character. It really depends on the structure. To simply put it, the CH
2 group will distort itself to lower the energy of the system. It's measured by spectroscopy. Ansyln and Dougherty has a much better explanation than I in the back of the book discussing the quantum mechanical reasons why. If you can't buy the book, then ask a professor/colleague/library for a copy.
Hybridization is just some made up concept that says if we add the together we get 4 degenerate ones that form a tetrahedron--> explains the bond angle. If i'm not mistaken, then most of the arguments are either derived form solid state nmr or XRD mesaurements of bond distance/angle and inference of the reason.