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Topic: Help on Lab methods for Peroxide effect  (Read 1551 times)

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Help on Lab methods for Peroxide effect
« on: February 07, 2016, 04:30:02 PM »
I am currently trying to for a compound using the anti markovnikov addition or Peroxide effect. My reactants will be a terminal alkene and H-Br/H2O2. Can some one please tell me how i should conduct this in a lab environment. The things I've gathered are that I would need a round bottom flask and a water jacket condenser with every item under an inert atmosphere of N2, but this would be my first time using a simple distillation method so I would like to know in detail what I should do to mix and or heat this reaction as well as tips on setting up. The alkene I am using is very scarce in my lab so I would like to be as accurate as possible. For concentrations I was thinking a 1/1.15 molar solution for H-BR/H2O2 respectively. I am not sure about the concentration of my alkene yet but any help at all would be much appreciated.

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Re: Help on Lab methods for Peroxide effect
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2016, 01:04:42 AM »
plz treat the following as suggestions but not process to your work.

Use proper solvent that suits your reaction(i think any polar solvent)

No need to conduct your expt in N2, your reaction is not air sensitive. further it requires atmospheric oxygen as catalyst if you dont supply it thry h2o2.

Take your starting material in a suitable solvent in an RBF at Room temperature

add some catalytic amount of h202

slowly add hbr( generally available as 48% aqueous soluiton) in to the RM using addition funnel at RT.

Maintain until reaciton completion at RT( as per my knowledge, its a simple reaction. no need to go for higher temperatures.)

check the reaction completion by tlc

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