Conceptually you can really, really simplify why an equilibrium quotient [itex]Q[/itex] is what it is. Let's say we have the reaction:
aA +
cC +
In order for this to proceed in the forward reaction some A and B have to meet. The more A and B there is the more likely their chances of meeting. It is like your coin analogy. A better (but much weirder) analogy might be two rooms with objects on the floors.
Let's say in one room you have a bunch of big dinner plates on the floor and in the other room you have a bunch of tea plates. These can represent our concentrations of A and B. The more plates, the higher the concentration!
Imagine tossing a coin to some random spot on the floor. The more plates the higher the chance of hitting a plate. Let's say that a "reaction" occurs when you walk to one room, randomly toss a coin and hit a plate, then walk to the other room and do the same thing. If you miss in either room a reaction doesn't occur.
If one room is half covered in plates and the other only one third, your chances for a "reaction" occurring are [itex]\frac{1}{2}\times\frac{1}{3}=\frac{1}{6}[/itex]. There's the multiplication! Change the "concentration" of plates and you change the chances of a "reaction" occurring.
Make sense?
Now if you want to go into the thermodynamic derivation of reaction quotients we can do that. It involves Gibbs energy and logarithms and math and is a ton of fun!