chromium- green(ish)
dichromate- orange
Chromium is a metal and it certainly isnt't green! (it is chrome colored surprisingly! )
Cr2+(aq) is turquoise
Cr3+(aq) is blue-violet (to me it looks green (maybe when excess orange dichromate (as oxidising agent) is used it makes the 'bluey' Cr3+ look greenish), but I'm just quoting my book!)
Cr2O3 is green
CrO3 is yellow
K2CrO4 is yellow (CrO42-(aq) is yellow!)
K2Cr2O7 is orange (Cr2O72-(aq) is orange)
Anyway, how did the test go?
well chromium is obviously green bc we have provided a picture of it below in our 100+ posts lol
the test was cake for me but we'll find out in a couple months if it really was or i just didn't know what i was doing lol
yes tyler, i used cake just like you
how was the test for you?
That green solution was not chromium, chromium looks like this:
and it has a melting point of 1857
That green solution is most probably Cr(OH)
4- (which is a soluble Chromium(III) hydroxide, as excess hydroxide may have been added- like how cobalt (and Zn) hydroxide go soluble with conc. hydroxide (because they become negatively charged)). But I don't know for sure (I do know its NOT chromium!), and if anyone could confirm/correct this that'd be great.