I've got a similar problem that I wasn't bothered to start a new thread about, but I might as well post it now that this thread has started!
The question is: A reaction is first order with respect to species A and zero order with respect to B. For each mechanism [see pic], explain whether or not it is consistent with the rate equation (rate=k[A]).
My teacher says Mechanism 2 is consistent with the rate equation, although I would've thought that because two steps containing B happen before the step with A in it (which is the rate determining step), that Mechanism 2 isn't consistent with the rate equation (as it would be second order wrt to B?).
Mechanism 3 might be OK because although the first equation involves two species of A (2
nd order), A is regenerated in the next equation, so it may only be first order wrt to A, but I am completely unsure about this and I would appreciate a second (or 3
rd, 4
th etc!) opinion.