I have another important question.
In a H atom, when the electron comes closer to the proton its energy decreases. But it means that it becomes more and more negative. In the last orbital, it's - 2,18 E-18 J. There's no other orbital closer and the electron can't reach the positive charge. And if it could, its energy would be infinitely negative.
I compare with the energy content of any substance. When we cool a body it's difficult to reach the zero temperature (0 K); Actually, it should be impossible, if we consider that 0 K corresponds to an infinitely negative value of energy. It's impossible to extract an infinite amount of energy from a body.
And on the graph showing the Boltzmann distribution, ei,..., e3, e2, e1, e0 are energy levels more and more negative down to e0 which is infinitely negative and arbitrarily set to 0.
Is it right ?