thanks everyone thus far for the helpful comments.
At Sigma they sell HCI in ether or dioxane solution, however it is only 2M and 4M solutions and very expensive.
i was really hoping someone might have had experience drying aqueous HCl Acetone solution using molecular sieve or magnesium sulfate. (i might still try this and report back, main concern was if HCl and magnesium sulfate would react)
I have access to buy the cylinder, however it is sold in too large of a quantity.
It seems like i may have to end up bubbling it, I have almost every piece to make apparatus to gas HCl over calcium chloride - i would prefer to setup a trap, iam wondering if i should also setup a bubbler with sulfuric acid for the gas to pass through or will calcium chloride eliminate more than 99% of the water upon drip?
ideally i would like to bubble into Acetone rather than Ether due to higher BP.
i need exactly 3.4grams of HCl in my solution, and prefer to use as little solvent as possible (50-100ml or under).
Q: How will i know when i exactly have 3.4grams of HCl in my solution? i was thinking to do this over a scale, take weight of flask+solvent with apparatus attachments before and during hcl addition. (i wont have the receiving flask attached to retort stand)
--> IF there is less than 5% loss during gassing, then i dont need to worry about weighting it, i can just have only 8ml of 37% HCl aqueous solution drip and that would equate to 3.4grams.
Q: can anyone confirm if loss is minimal?
The HCl/Acetone solution is going to be used in reaction same day. it will not be stored or around any oxidizers.