Hi !!
I have a doubt about the phisical-chemistry meaning above the mathematical expression of "Langmuir isotherm"...
The expression is this:
θ = K[A] / 1+K[A]
where θ is the degree of adsorption (how much the solid surface is filled up). 0≤θ≤1
n.b: if I have a gas I can put [A]= p (pression)
Now at lesson we have done a graphical plot of θ (y) against [A]( the indipendent variable x) and the graph is similar at:
y=√x where [A]=x
Now my doubt is the phisical meaning of this graph and the meaning of [A] in this esxpression ( N.B. I 'm considering a GAS adsorbed on the surface...so I could substitute this with pression p)
1) what is [A] in langmuir isotherm? The different INITIAL concenentration that I use in my expreiments? Or the different values of concentration of A in the gas phase that i can get at EQUILIBRIUM ??
2) phisical-chemistry meaning of this isotherm:
WHY at [A] --> 0 is θ≈0 while at [A] --> ∞ is θ≈1 ??
IF (and this is my first doubt) [A] represents the equilibrium concentration of A in the gas phase why I should have low values of degree of adsorption ,θ, on the surface when I have a small concentration of [A] and big values of θ when [A] at equilibrium is high ??
I don't manage to find a correlation about the concentration of A at equilibrium and the degree of adsorbtion...
Someone can halp me??