(Quite apart from failing to distinguish between J and kJ!) You are missing the point. You must, as I said, consider both reactants and products. Suppose we know the ΔH at T1, and all the Cps (which we assume are constant with temperature). How do we work out ΔH at T2. Consider the Hess's law cycle:
Reactants (T2)

Reactants (T1)

Products (T1)

Products (T2)
ΔH = Cp(reactants)*(T1-T2) + ΔHrxn(T1) + Cp(products)*(T2-T1)
The overall process is Reactants(T2)

Products (T2) and ΔH is ΔHrxn(T2)
ΔHrxn(T2) = ΔHrxn(T1) + {Cp(products) - Cp(reactants)}*(T2-T1)
or dΔH/dT = ΔCp
So for your reaction (for which, incidentally ΔH is not a "heat of formation"), dΔH/dT = Cp(SO
3) - Cp(SO
2) - 0.5Cp(O
I don't know why you assume a value of 4. You can easily work it out as all the reagents are gases. (Assume as a first approximation that no vibrations are activated. This is not quite true, and becomes less true as T increases - Cp varies quite significantly over the temperature range. But for now make the assumption.)
As for the heat of formation. you don't seem to be sure whether you're working it out for SO
2 or SO
3. But again, you must consider all reagents.
2)/dT = Cp(SO
2) - Cp(S) - Cp(O
You might be misled by the assumption that heat of formation of elements is 0. But this only applies to standard heat of formation at a specified temperature (usually 298K). The enthalpy of the elements will vary with temperature according to Cp like any other chemical, and this must be taken into account.