Yeah, I had a rather painful accident with Na metal, during electrolysis of NaOH to prepare it, a piece went off, and flew RIGHT up my nose.
That one, really kinda hurt, left a hole in my septum for a while, until it healed up, a couple of weeks or so.
I recently gassed out my room with chromyl chloride, and with H2S, both those times I grabbed my mask, and ran out of the room, although I had to return, mask on, during the H2S incident.
Burnt my hand once boiling conc. H2SO4.
Did the above with molten NaOH.
Once corroded my leather gloves completely with liquified SO2, the spikes on them rusted in minutes.
Burnt myself nicely as a kid, setting off improvised flashpowder in a pair of old pants, it went up rather quicker than I expected at the time (moral of the story? don't pack underpants full of flashpowder and light it close up
I have had a close, but not really dangerous (in the end) encounter with H2Se, the fact I could smell it, was enough to alarm me quite a bit.