Careful! What is the "ΔG" you are trying to calculate?
The diagram below shows the molar Gibbs energy of a mixture of A and B at a total concentration [A] + [B ] = 1M as a function of mole fraction of B in the mixture (that is, xB = nB/(nA + nB), not counting the solvent). I have used your example of K = 3, so ΔGm° = -RTln3 (T = 298 K), and for reference Gm,A° = 0. For simplicity I have assumed ideal mixing, i.e. ΔGmix = RT(xAlnxa + xBlnxB).
Not surprisingly, G is a minimum at the equilibrium composition xB = 0.75. If you want the molar ΔG for the conversion you described, from xb = 0.5 to 0.75, that is given by "ΔGm" on the graph. Note that this "ΔGm" is not equal to 0.25*ΔGm°, and would also not be equal to ΔGm for conversion from, say, xB = 0 to 0.25.
What is "ΔG" in the equation ΔG = -RTlnK + RTlnQ? Well, at the equilibrium position, Q = K, so "ΔG" = 0. What is zero at the equilibrium point? Answer: the slope of the G-x curve, the partial molar Gibbs energy of reaction dGm/dxB, or ΔGm(xB) - the free energy per mole of converting a small amount of A to B at constant composition xB.
Now in your scenario, you start with 1L of 1M of both A and B - total concentration 2M, total amount 2 moles. In this case, again assuming ideality, the value of Gm,A = Gm,A° + RTln[A], and the same for Gm,B. Both values are increased by RTln2, but the difference between them is unchanged (this would not be the case if there were unequal moles on either side of the equation). Then G = n*Gm, so all the ΔG values we have talked about are multiplied by 2. In other words, the curve is shifted along the y-axis to account for the change in concentration, and stretched in the y-direction to account for the number of moles.
I'm sorry if this seems unduly complicated, but it reflects the complexity of the situation, and shows why people often go wrong when they just ask "what is ΔG?"