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Topic: Amount of H2O2 in Sodium Percarbonate - what H2O2 concentration from 1g : 100ml?  (Read 6732 times)

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Offline RogueRose

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I've been trying to work out how much H2O2 there is per gram of sodium percarbonate.  Basically if I were to dissolve 1g into 10 or 100ml of water, what percent concentration of H2O2 would I have? 

I've found the molecular weight of 2Na2CO3 * 3H@O@ is 313.96g or Na2CO3 * 1.5H2O2 156.98g.  If the carbonate is anhydrous (which I would think it would have to be having the peroxide attached..??) it has a mass of 106g leaving 51g for the H2O2 at 32.5%  of the molecular weight. 

H2O2 has a molar mass of 34.0147 g/mol, IDK if that is needed or not.  It has a density of 1.450 at 100% and decreases as the percentage to water decreases.  35% is 1.13g/ml and 3% is 1.0095g/ml.

If 1g NaCO3*1.5H2O2  is added to 99.5ml of H2O (the percarb is 2.1g/cc, so I subtracted /5ml or water)  the .325g of H2O2 will dissolve into solution giving an unknown concentration.  IDK if I'm making this too complicated or what.

100ml/.325 = .325%  IDK if that gives the correct percentage of H2O2 so that is why I am asking. 

Offline Hunter2

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To complicated.

You have molecular weight of the Sodiumpercarbonate. From this you can calculate how many moles you dissolve if you use 1 g of it.  This moles you can calculate bag to the mass of H2O2.

Offline AWK

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Which concentration you should calculate - molar or mass percentage?
If 1g NaCO3*1.5H2O2  is added to 99.5ml of H2O (the percarb is 2.1g/cc, so I subtracted /5ml or water)  the .325g of H2O2 will dissolve into solution giving an unknown concentration.  IDK if I'm making this too complicated or what.
From this data you can calculate  the percent concentration easily.
Since we do not know a density of the final solution (and solution will be quite diluted) we neglect volume change after dissolution for calculation of the molar concentration.

Offline Borek

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No need to worry about the density of the final solution - just assume there are not 10 (100) mL of water, but 10 (100) g of water. Then the result is correct by definition.

If 1g NaCO3*1.5H2O2  is added to 99.5ml of H2O (the percarb is 2.1g/cc, so I subtracted /5ml or water)  the .325g of H2O2 will dissolve into solution giving an unknown concentration.

0.325 g of H2O2 per 1 g of 2Na2CO3ยท3H2O2 is a perfectly correct number.

And yes, your final number (0.325%, w/v in your case, but most likely almost identical with w/w in such a diluted solution) looks reasonably correct as well (even if you got the calculations reversed in the last line of your post).
« Last Edit: September 05, 2016, 03:09:37 AM by Borek »
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