Hi all,
I posted this earlier on Reddit and received a suggestion to post it here, so here goes!
I just discovered the Morph effect in PowerPoint and it's pretty cool! Using this slide transition effect in PowerPoint has allowed me to do something that I have always wanted to do when teaching using PowerPoint: to smoothly animate ChemDraw drawings to demonstrate chemistry principles. Here is a link to a 30-second YouTube video where I demonstrate it on an E2 and a Diels-Alder reaction, a TLC elution, and an SN2 reaction with an energy diagram:
https://youtu.be/ypJ3fvyUWRsEach demo involves 2 or 3 PPT slides. For example, for the E2 slides you just create the first slide with all the elements in place. Then clone this first slide, and on the copy slide you resize/re-orient/re-color/move the objects to where you want them to be at the end of the reaction. You then select "Morph" as the slide transition for the second slide. And you're done. PPT will handle all the movements, change of orientations, etc.
If you have a subscription to Microsoft Office 365, you have access to the "Morph" slide transition effect. This effect keeps track of objects on going from one slide to another. If, for example, on the second slide you move or resize the object, PowerPoint will very smoothly animate the movement and resizing when going from the first slide to the next.
Anyway, I just thought I'd share my discovery!