Not really. Try to figure out your question by using the context, which only you have, so far. If the substance is called AcrylicTM -- notice the capitalization, and I tacked on the trademark, then you're dealing with a Trade name, but sometimes they lose the capitalization.
The polymer, polymethymethacrylate is a pretty common one. In a block, it may be called Acrylic, in a sheet, it may be called PlexiglassTM. Or you cam call it an acrylic window, if you want.
The -ate is a common thing we do in science. The acid we call acrylic acid. But the acid isn't what makes it a plastic, so we call the subunits acrylate. We do this with other organic acids to, for example, pyruvic acid -- pyruvate, or folic acid -- folate.