For a saturated solution of an unknown metal hydroxide, M(OH)
2, 12.75 mL of this solution were required to neutralize 25.00 mL of 0.02 M HCl. Calculate the K
SP of the metal hydroxide.
I've tried the problem two different ways because I'm not sure whether I'm supposed to divide the concentration of M(OH)
2 by 2 to get the concentration of OH
- or if I should multiply it by 2.
2 M
2+ + 2OH
-This makes mole ratio 1 : 2.
Using C
2, the concentration of M(OH)
2 is:
= 0.039 M
From this I assumed that the concentration of M
2+ was also 0.039 given the 1:1 mole ratio and the concentration of OH
- is 2 times the concentration of M(OH)
2 making it 0.078.
This makes the K
2= [0.039][0.078]
2= 2.373 x 10
-4If the concentration of M(OH)
2 should be divided by 2 to get the concentration of OH
-, this makes the K
SP = [0.039][0.0195]
2= 1.483 x 10
-5If neither of these are correct, could someone please point me in the right direction?