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Topic: Nutrients and Metals in stream water and sediment?  (Read 1793 times)

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Nutrients and Metals in stream water and sediment?
« on: December 09, 2016, 08:04:08 PM »
We tested water and sediment in 3 sites in a river catchment for N, P, Si, Mg, Fe and Zn. Site 3 was near agriculture (should have higher concentrations of nutrients), Site 2 was downstream from a town (should be higher in metals) and Site 1 was downstream from where Site 1 and 2 met.

Following ANOVA, there was no difference in nutrients N, P and Si between the two sites? Why might this be? Surely it should be higher in Site 3? Could it be there is little agricultural run-off and the main source of nutrients instead is the geology

Metals were much higher in the sediment samples than stream water samples, can you explain a bit more about the oxidation/precipitation of Iron and Zinc in water? Ie. Why do metals accumulate in sediment but are not very concentrated in water?

Hope you can answer a few questions,

Many thanks

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Re: Nutrients and Metals in stream water and sediment?
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2016, 12:50:39 AM »
We tested water and sediment in 3 sites in a river catchment for N, P, Si, Mg, Fe and Zn. Site 3 was near agriculture (should have higher concentrations of nutrients), Site 2 was downstream from a town (should be higher in metals) and Site 1 was downstream from where Site 1 and 2 met.

Following ANOVA, there was no difference in nutrients N, P and Si between the two sites? Why might this be? Surely it should be higher in Site 3? Could it be there is little agricultural run-off and the main source of nutrients instead is the geology

Can you post the detailed data? Not sure what you mean by 'between two sites'(Site 1 vs 2/2 vs 3/1 vs 3?)

Metals were much higher in the sediment samples than stream water samples, can you explain a bit more about the oxidation/precipitation of Iron and Zinc in water? Ie. Why do metals accumulate in sediment but are not very concentrated in water?

Think about the 'mobility'/flow rate of water in sediment and running river.
Year 1 science student in HKUST and a Chemistry geek.
If I make any mistakes in the forum, please don't hesitate to correct me as I want to learn.

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