So I have conducted more research on this.
Fe + CuS =
Fe is Iron so it is a metallic element
CuS though there is Copper in there, but due to S it turns into Salt /?/
The rule states that the salt has to be dissolvable and the metal has to be more active than the metal in the salt. Fe is indeed higher on the activity scale than copper
Therefor the equation equals Cu + FeS.
I learned about ionic charges so the end answer should be
Cu + Fe
The rule is metal + salt.
Moving onto Al + MgSO
3Al is a metal.
Mg is also a metal.
MgSO is essentially a salt cause of rules.
So again looking at the activity Mg is higher than Al.
The rule states that the metal has to be more active than the metal in the Salt.
In which case i feel like shooting myself because this seems to not make sense.
Breaking the rule I still solve the equation like this
Mg + Al(SO
3The rule is metal + salt
Next we have K + O
2 K is a metal .
2 is something else.
The rules states essentially nothing.
The answer turns out to be K
2O because O has an Ionic charges of 2 and we leave the 2 from before behind so we are left with that.
The rule is metal + nonmetal
Na + O
2 Na is a salt.
2 i dont know.
Going by what what I've learned
the answer is Na
The rule is salt + base
Lastly we have Li + H
Li is a metal
H20 is water
I've come to an answer that this equals LiO + H
2 So after hours of research I have come to a conclusion.