SophieDF:, I'd like to welcome you and all the new chemists to the Chemical Forums. But I'd like to ask you to trouble yourself to read our
Forum Rules{click}. You already accepted them when you signed up for our forum, and you have to follow them, whether you agree with them or not, or even if you're unaware of them.
Our rules specify that we want to see your work, and then, we want to give you hints, so that you learn for yourself. It doesn't matter if you're a new student, or a dedicated amateur, we need to know what you know, and what you think, so we know what level you're at, so we can give useful hints, so your knowledge can grow.
Your questions, in addition to showing no work at all, are all over the place with regards to a curriculum -- highly substituted aromatic, archaic descriptions, first year compounds, general chemistry -- each example is there. You have to tell us more about what you know, and why you need to know these things, and why you're stuck.