Silkworm, what stand do you take in defending the sciences?
Hey geodome, sorry for the late reply.
Well, my overall stance is complex, but right now the biggest issue is the creationism/ID movement. I've been to a few meetings and looked at a lot of creationism/ID media and it appears as though these creation scientists either misrepresent textbook science when they talk about it or they outright lie about it so their silly, nonscientific arguments won't sound as silly to its target audience of nonscientists, who don't have a frame of reference on which to criticize the material in which they are being presented.
I'm all for disproving any scientific theory, that's what science is all about, but you must do so with science, not with no data and poor methodology up against a strawman, and I find it insulting that anyone would go and lie to well meaning people in order to use them as pawns, especially since there is absolutely no conflict between science and religion unless the interpreter chooses to create one by misapplying both.
I'm really short on time here, and I hope that was a decent enough explanation. I have explanations on my blog, and to show the type of people creation scientists are read my latest blog about the Return of Lucas.