Here some suggestions for the experiment.
At least on the sketch, the oven resembles a barrel with a hole. A true and good nozzle would expand and cool the fullerene better, to obtain a narrower velocity distribution. Authentic De Laval, at least down to a pressure where the mean free path is smaller than the divergent. The narrow throat may need special fabrication. Seek a high pressure ratio, by a big oven pressure if needed. Try optionally to mimic the gas temperature at the nozzle's walls.
Heat the fullerene after it sublimates, before the expansion. This shall limit its condensation during the expansion.
Add a gas to the fullerene in the oven to make the expansion more efficient? Argon, methane... Problem: I don't know how to remove the gas from the beam. Maybe the detector can discriminate the fullerene from the gas?
Add mechanical choppers on the path, especially near the collimation slits, to keep only the fullerene molecules with nearly the mean velocity. You lose some beam intensity but improve the diffraction pattern.
Use a mechanical speed to impart the 200m/s or more. Up to 500m/s are easily accessible to a rotating disk of metal, more with carbon fibres. Heat the fullerene very little, just enough for slow sublimation at the rotating part. The emission is more in the plane, so less heat achieves the same beam intensity, and the speed is more uniform.
Use microphones as detectors. The kinetic energy is 6*RT at 300K, so cold microphones are better. With a piezoelectric or piezoresistive material, with micromachined silicon or with electrets, you can cover an area with microphones, so the experiment is faster than by scanning the diffraction pattern area. I feel microphones easier than the power laser too.