And yes, I have security materials, If something ever happens for me, it will be entierly my fault.
Environmental concerns are a thing, for professional labs and home users alike. If you forcefully believe otherwise, then I'd like to clearly say, that you're wrong. And its an argument lots of "basement chemists" feel its a civil right for them to make.
And feel its important, as a MOD:, for me to be clear on this point, not only for you, but other members, new and old.
If I want to be a proffessional in chemistry, I have to take the risks early
I question the validity of this statement. I don't believe anyone responsible makes such statements, in classrooms, or in commercial laboratories.
and know better than most people
Now this part, in particular, I want to additionally call a
non sequitur. This is to say, a haphazard risk taken, doesn't transfer knowledge, or make your skin tougher, or alter human metabolism or make you cooler.
This is probably an off the cuff comment by you, and you didn't mean it to be taken literally. So I don't mean to jump on you. But I do want people who visit our forum to know not to "hand wave" away general safely concepts, general lab safety rules, laws for labs and yes, chemistry safety laws even for our homes.