Please, read a more complete version, carefully:
“………..2). Although of the same origin (resconance induction effect), ortho-, para-/ meta substitution direction in EAS by electron donating/ withdrowing groups is due to the charge distribution of the ring atoms during conjugation and has nothing to do with the aromatic ring activation/ deactivation and the reaction rate (but someone can say that one way or another, activating groups are ortho-, para- directing and deactivating groups are meta- directing, only).
3). Reasonably, activation/ deactivation of an aromatic ring by an electron donating/ withdrowing group in nucleophilic aromatic substitution (NAS) works in the inverse way; meaning that electron donating would delay NAS and electron withdrowing groups would accelarate NAS, respectively. However, benzyne is so instable and its formation is so fast that electron donating or electron withdrowing groups have a little influence in the NAS kinetics (but still have).
4). On the other hand, amide anion (sodamide) can attack to the methoxybenzyne (methoxy- is a I+ inductive group) at the (kinetically favorable) para- position only, otherwise (= if attacking at the meta-position) it would come close to the electronegative ortho- position (which is not favorable because similar charges repel each other).
But sodamide can attack to trifluoromethylbenzyne ring at the meta- position as coming close to the electropositive ortho- position (which is favorable because different charges attract each other), as well as at the para- position as forming a meta- carbanion next to the electropositive ortho- position and consequently, it further stabilizes the conjugation of the reaction intermediate.………….”
PS: Hoping that this version is more clarifying, I apologize if my text may give rise to a puzzle headache.