If you get 70%, is this not more a separationproblem? You can add some triethylamine to the mobile-phase when you run TLC if the pyridine gives tailing, if you run flash-chromatography you can then try to crystalize.
I think so. The HPLC and TLC looked like a huge mess, it was maybe not even 70%. Anyway, after column I got two impurities and something that was supposed to have be my product. HPLC of it looked quite terrible but for some reason NMR is rather good, showing tons of small impurity peaks but that is nothing that cant be solved by crystalization.
Oops, of course. My reply was ignorant. I misread.
np mate

Also when you have a basic pyridine in the molecule you can purify in the workup by extracting it to water phase with acid and back to organic phase with a little ammonia.
Guess I could try this as well but Im thinking that most of the impurities are containing the pyridine ring as well. But worth trying when I repeat the reaction again.
btw, the reaction with turbo-Grignard (iPrMgCl.LiCl) was hillariously fast (about 30min at -78°C with no excess of the Grignard) compared to huge excess of PhMgCl at RT. There might be some steric reasons but since I dont have the LiCl complex with PhMgCl available at the moment... Can it be just made by adding some LiCl into the reaction or does it require some more specific conditions?