I am confused, are you saying ALL of the external links at the bottom of the wikipedia item are unreliable.
I assumed you looked and did not reject the link just based on the location.
I know that several items on wikipedia are questionable based on personal experimental knowledge, but I find that it can be a good pointer to resources, as long as you can separate the wheat from the chafe.
No the links are fine, I'm refering to the information on the page itself. The problem is none of those links addressed what I'm looking for. Normally everyone just states that plutonium is a synthetic element, however, in very rare and unusually circumstances it has been found in naturally occuring uranium ores. I'm trying to find out, which nuclides of plutonium have been found in nature. I've found a few sources now (including one book) that refer to plutonium having been found in nature, however, none of the sources stated which nuclides had been found. According to a DOE fact sheet (
http://consolidationeis.doe.gov/PDFs/PlutoniumANLFactSheetOct2001.pdf) the naturally occuring plutonium was produced about 1.9 billion years ago in Gabon Africa.
I'd like to find out more about this as it is an interesting aspect of plutonium that does not get discussed much. I'm trying to dig my way to a source that states, which nuclides were discovered in nature and then allows me to back track to the original research paper that reported the discovery.