to answer the wedged bond aspect of your question....
The figure you show is a Haworth projection. It is a form of perspective drawing that portrays the ring as planar (which cyclopropane is, but other cycloalkanes like cyclohexane are not - still the Haworth portrays all rings as planar). The ring is always drawn horizontal. Substituents on the ring are shown with bonds that are vertical - they either go up above the ring or down below the ring. Haworth projections are useful in that they show cis/trans relationships very clearly, but they do not show the true conformation of the ring or the substituents.
If you convert a Haworth projection to a drawing with wedged bonds/ hashed bonds, you are changing your perspective from the side of the ring to above or below the ring. It is easiest to change to above the ring. In that case, the drawing will have all substituents above the ring as wedged bonds, because they come toward you when you are above the ring! All substituents below the ring now go away from you so they are hashed bonds.
It is possible to imagine changing your perspective to below the ring as drawn in the Haworth projection. Then below the ring = wedges, above the ring = hashes. But this takes a little more experise in visualization to make sure you get it right.